Herby Pimienta Citrus Salmon


Big chunks of slow roasted salmon, warm citrus, an herby salsa, and the smokey flavor from under-utilised Rosa Pimientas (small, dried Mexican red peppercorns that - if I can find them in Sweden - you can find anywhere) make this dish a super flavorful take on salmon.

It’s also incredibly easy, pairs well with grains or salad of all types (my preference is Italian red rice or wild black rice) and always produces enough for leftovers, happily eaten cold or warm. I toss in hot peppers and fennel if I’ve got them to give the precious infused oil this produces some delicious flavors.

  • A large center cut salmon filet (and not filets that have been cut from both flanks), big enough that you can fit it flat in your baking dish. Better if it’s skinless but ok if it’s not.

  • Several cups of Olive Oil, used for cooking (not your fancy stuff)

  • 1-2 lemons, one sliced thin the other used for juice

  • 1 orange or blood orange, sliced thin

  • Chili flakes

  • Sea salt

  • Black pepper

  • Several sprigs fresh thyme or rosemary

  • Optional fresh whole chili pepper, sliced thin

  • Optional (but important!) whole red pimienta peppercorns

  • Optional sliced fennel

  • Additional chopped herbs or spoonful of chimichurri (even better!)

  1. Preheat your oven low to 150c/300f.

  2. Take your salmon out of its packaging and gently rinse under cold water. Pat dry with paper towels.

  3. Place in your glass or ceramic baking dish Season salmon with sea salt, black pepper, chili flakes, and a handful of red pimienta, crushed in your hand.

  4. Slice your citrus into thin slices, cutting a slit into the whole circles so you can create longer twists. Slice up your fennel if using and your chili pepper to your desired heat level.

  5. Arrange citrus and fennel around and underneath salmon on all sides. Swueeze any excess orange or lemon parts to add a bit of juice to dish.

  6. Pour in olive oil from the side of the dish, until salmon is 2/3 submerged in oil. Gently drizzle a few spoons oil on top of the fish, making sure not to wash off your seasoning in the process.

  7. Tuck in fresh thyme or rosemary sprigs to the oil to cook.

  8. Cook slowly on low heat for 25 mins, before cranking up your boiler for a final heat touch for 2-3 minutes. Salmon will be a light pink color when you remove from oven.

  9. Scoop chunks of salmon, citrus and oil over rice, cous cous, or salad greens. Top with a splash of good tasty olive oil, salt to taste, fresh herbs, or chimichurri.


Mustard Salmon with Pistachio Citrus Slaw